Life as a new mom - Emelie Hjort

In this heartwarming episode we get to know the loving mother of Alba, the Gothenburg based Emelie Hjort, who talks to us about her experience of becoming a first-time mom. Read about smart tips, insights and her absolute must-haves from Elodie's assortment.


Hi Emelie!

Who are you?
My name is Emelie Hjort. I am 27 years old, living in Gothenburg with the love of my life and our baby girl Alba who is turning five months next week, (please stop the time).

I love being creative and love digital marketing so that’s what I do for a living. Promoting brands through my social media but also helping brands with their socials. When I’m not working, I love to have late dinners with friends or hang out by the countryside with my little family.


Tell us about your family?
My little family is everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Last summer I married the love of my life, Axel, after being together for six years. Later that summer we found out that I was pregnant with our daughter. In March this year on International Women’s Day she arrived. 5 weeks earlier than expected.

Alba and Axel are my everything and I can’t wait to spend my life together with them, my very own little family. And who knows, maybe Alba will have a baby brother or sister in the future but for now I only want to focus on her and give her all the love I can.


Tell us, what has life as a first-time mom been like?
Life as a first-time mom has been a rollercoaster. Alba arrived in week 35+0 with an emergency C-section. My water broke and 2 hours later she was born. Since she was born 5 weeks earlier than expected she had problems with her breathing and her lungs, so we had to stay at the hospital for a little time in the beginning which was very tough. She was very weak in the beginning and that was very hard to see.

Not what I expected my first couple of weeks with her to be. But today she is completely healthy and the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. It’s truly special to become a mother for the first time, it’s ups and downs but it’s the most magical thing I’ve ever experienced, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. She is my everything.


What has been exactly as you expected and what has come as a surprise?
Hmm.. I honestly don’t think anything has been exactly what I expected, I thought I knew what it was going to be like to become a mother but oh boy, I had no idea haha.

The biggest surprise for me have been all the emotions and hormones. I didn’t expect to cry all the time in the beginning which I did, I cried when I was happy and when I was sad.

Biggest change?
Definitely my sleep, haha! Before Alba I thought 6-7 hours’ sleep a night was a tough night. Today I’m grateful if I get 3-4 hours coherent sleep. But it’s all worth it.


So far, what have been your highlight of life with a new baby?
My highlight is to get to know this little human being that is half you and half the love of your life. The love I have for our daughter is something I’ve never felt before, it’s so powerful.


What’s the most useful baby products you have?
I would say a baby nest with a lot of muslin blankets, a baby brezza, our stroller and right now a lifesaver is our baby carrier as Alba only wants to sleep skin to skin.

Name a few of your favourite accessories from Elodie?
I truly love Elodie, and we have a lot of products from Elodie at home! But my favourite accessories are all the cozy blankets, Alba loves to sleep in them, and you can never have to many, and of course the baby nest (life saver).

We also have the most beautiful footmuff for the stroller that I can’t wait to use this winter, for Albas first winter.


Which products would you say are must-haves for the early months with a newborn?
Definitely Elodie’s baby nest with a lot of blankets, Elodie's blankets are the best and a footmuff if you give birth during the winter.


What advice would you offer to someone about to become a new mom?
Every emotion is okay. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, it’s okay to feel sad and it’s okay to feel the happiest you’ve ever been.

Allow yourself to feel and remember that it will get easier, and it will get better, I promise! From one mom to another I truly promise you that it will get so much easier and better. .

What piece of advice from others has been the most helpful for you as a new mother?
People telling me that it will be better, it will get easier, just hang in there and try to accept all the emotions you have in the beginning. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and cry. That truly helped me and now I really want to pay that advice forward.

You can follow Emelie and Alba on instagram @emelieolson