Elodie Giftogram

Mit diesem intelligenten Service können Sie Geschenke kaufen, die direkt von uns an Ihre Freunde und Familie geliefert werden. Sie geben die Bestellung auf, wir liefern ein wunderschön verpacktes Geschenk zusammen mit einer persönlichen Nachricht in Ihrem Namen. So einfach ist es, etwas Liebe zu senden!


Here's how

Browse around on our web to find the perfect gifts to send. Need some last minute inspo? Don't worry, we have curated some great guides on how to find the right gifts for Birthdays, Naming Ceremony, Baby Shower and Christmas. Once you've made your choice, add the products to your cart and proceed to the checkout. Once there you click the Giftogram option and give us the address information of the person on the receiving end.


Your present will be carefully wrapped and placed in a beautiful giftbox, adding to the special feeling of receiving a gift from a loved one.

Larger items will be packaged in a high-quality gifting bag, perfect to upcycle and use as storage for toys pr as a laundry bag.


Whether you are sending a Welcome to the World-gift, a Congratulations-gift, a Regular Tuesday-gift or any other type of gift, you will get the option of including a personal message in the giftbox - a great way to let the receiver know how you feel.


There, you’re all done!
Now you can sit back and relax as we do the rest.
You have just spread some joy and sent a little love!